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We cannot solve the climate crisis without sufficient global investment.
Climate finance refers to local, national or transnational financing—drawn from public, private and alternative sources of financing—that seeks to support mitigation and adaptation actions to address climate change.
We’re bringing together current and future leaders to develop, design and implement the global financial systems necessary to build a sustainable future. 

75%+ of climate investments are domestic 

More than 75% of 2019/2020 tracked climate investments flowed domestically, highlighting the continued importance of strengthening national policies, public finance systems, and domestic regulatory frameworks.

Climate Policy Initiative

Trillions required

$100bn isn't going to do it - we need to move trillions in both public and private money.

Grantham Research Institute 

Finance Fellows

Click here to meet the growing CGLN fellowship.

Dr Carol Bell

Director of Chapter Zero


Dr Ben Caldecott

Director of the Oxford Energy Institute

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Lord Stern of Brentford

Chair of the Grantham Research Institute 

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Professor Peter Tufano

Peter Moores Professor of Finance at Said Business School at the University of Oxford.

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Steve Killelea

Founder and Chairman of the Institute for Economics and Peace

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Julie Baddeley

Chair of Chapter Zero

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Sir Sumantra Chakrabarti

Chair of the ODI Board and Former President of the EBRD

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Finance Youth Advisory Council Member

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Ben Santhouse

"The next challenge is to identify “who” needs to be financed, especially for public institutions with limited funding – do they target assistance for capital-rich but mobile and expertise-heavy corporates that can create the most impact, or focus on small projects that are more likely to have broader SDG benefits?
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